The content, pedagogy and structure of the website are a joint production of the following partners:
University of Gothenburg, GEOMAR, SUBMON, University West and the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science with support from Erasmus +, the European Union.
Teachers and students at the partner schools Öckerö Seglande Gymnsieskola (Sweden), Daina Isard (Spain) and Hebbelschule (Germany) have participated in the design, tested and evaluated the pedagogy and functionality.
Content producers have been Joachim Dengg (GEOMAR), Sally Dengg (GEOMAR), Tecla Maggioni (SUBMON), Dennis Augustsson (University West), Adam Frederick (UMCES), Susan Gotensparre (UGOT) and Mikael Olsson (UGOT).
The website's design and technology have been developed by Sven Ängermark (Monoclick).
The European Commission's support for the website and its contents does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.